5 Ways To Make Your Client Feel Valuable

Client relations…

So here’s something to think about…

Have you ever dealt with a company whose service was so amazing you told everyone you knew about how fantastic their service was? Even if you didn’t buy anything.

I’m not talking about those instances where the employees treated you right or met your expectations, because that is just basic client service.

I’m talking about those times when you dealt with a business for their product or service offering and you left with a smile on your face. Personally, I have only ever experienced a handful of these instances. And they all had one thing in common – They Made Me Feel Valuable.

Which is what every business should strive for. After all, businesses would not exist if it weren’t for consumers. If you are not striving to serve clients to the best of your ability, what are you doing then? And why?

To help you a little along the way with your client relation journey, here we have put together 5 Important Tips you can implement to make your client feel valuable. And heck! With these 5 minor tips, you’ll probably see a change in referral sales and an increase in client loyalty.

Client Relationships

Tip 1: Give Personal Attention

Genuine, personal connection serves as the best way for your business to bolster customer loyalty, as customers who feel valued and special will keep coming back to use your service.

Showing appreciation by thanking your customers will do so much greatness for your future relationship. Call every single customer you worked with over the last year and say, “I am calling to say ‘thank you’ for doing business with us. I truly appreciate it.”

Or, if you are a larger business then run a “thank you” call center campaign.

Tip 2: Be There For Your Client After The Close Of the Sale

Customers always value a relationship that lasts past the sale. Therefore, take the time out to check in with your clients and find out how they are doing personally and if they have any questions or concerns regarding the product or service they bought. Let them know that you are thinking of them (not in a creepy way).

Tip 3: Always Be Honest

You know that phrase, “Honesty is the best policy”? Well as cliché as that phrase may sound, it is 100% true. And we see this time and time again between our own clients as well as within our staff department.

Clients may not always like the truth, but telling the truth enables you to work with them to make the best decision going forward. Sure, human error happens and if there has been a mishap then inform the client, apologise for the inconvenience, provide them with your solution and move on. I assure you that they will appreciate your honesty and your business a lot more than if you try to cover it up.

Tip 4: Become Their Customer

Another way to make your clients feel valued is to become their customer. Keep your clients in mind when you or someone you may know needs a service or product you know they offer. Nothing says “fantastic customer relations” like supporting one another.

Tip 5: Act On Client Feedback

Client feedback is absolutely important to the success of your business. After all, if you do not take their advice and recommendation on how to improve your business and what needs to change, then you’re not serving your target market.

When you ask clients for feedback (or when they share feedback), let them know that it was well received, you appreciate it (WHICH YOU SHOULD) and that you’re going to do something with it. Additionally, when you do attend to their feedback suggestion, let them know what about it.

How great of a feeling to go to a company and provide a suggestion or feedback and the next time you do business with them, you visibly see the change! What a great feeling.


Bottom line is TREAT YOUR CLIENTS WELL. How would you like to be treated? Put yourself in your own client’s shoes and ask yourself “What would make me want to do business with me again”?

Putting real, genuine effort into making your clients feel appreciated can have amazing rewards for your business. It will not only make your clients feel special, but as a result it will also make your business special.

If you need assistance with client support, give our team a shout and we will send you the client support services we have on offer.

Happy Client’ing!