Small business owners, its easy to feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Long to do lists, late nights, constant pressure, keeping a hand on finances and so on.

If you can embed positive habits into your daily routine, you will accelerate your progress towards goals and small achievements. While it is not always possible to fully adopt these practices, the list below will most likely serve you as a helpful guide.

Here are some daily habits you can start with TODAY that will help you fulfil your potential:

Get Up Early

Early morning hours tend to be the most productive time of day for you to get uninterrupted time to yourself.

Most small business owners are usually chaotic during the day with phone calls, clients, meetings and so on. Early morning hours help to focus the mind on the day ahead. There is no better habit for achieving a successful day than waking up early.

There is a reason we have the phrase; “Win The Morning and You Will Win The Day”

Keep Fit

A healthy body = a healthy mind.

Exercise has been proven to have an impact on how we feel and how well we function mentally and emotionally.

In addition to its physical benefits, exercise has psychological benefits as well. It builds confidence, helps people stay disciplined and focused and is an effective tool for managing stress.

Write Down Your Goals

Daily Success Habits

Writing your goals down means you visually see them and that makes them feel tangible. You are more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down.

When you commit to daily goal achievements every single day, and then review your performance goals at the end of each day, you’ll make real progress every day.

This exercise doesn’t need to take long. However, it should form part of your morning routine. When you are clear on your goals, you become emotionally engaged in goal achievement.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

However good you are, push yourself to be better.

Not better than your cousin, or your next door neighour, or your business competitor. Just better than the person you were yesterday.

“You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realizing your true potential”David Goggins


As Warren Buffet says, “Reading allows knowledge build up”. Reading books is an excellent way to invest in yourself and your education. It expanse your vocabulary, improves your memory and can reduce stress.

Research has proven that reading literally changes your mind. Using MRI’s, researchers have confirmed that reading involves a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain. As your reading ability matures, those networks get stronger and more sophisticated.

Take Time To Unwind

Modern life is more fast-paced than ever before. There are a lot of day to day demands on our time. Therefore, taking time out of your day to unplug and relax is vital to your wellbeing and your business success.

Take 30min out of your day to be away from all business or work related aspects. That includes cellphones, laptops or any devices for that matter. Go for a walk, meditate, sit at a coffee shop, take a nap or read a book.

This gives clear time to process what’s going on in your life, reflect on it, and re-​evaluate it. It increases your focus, re-energizes you and can help you overcome problems.

We hope you gained some valuable information on this small business owners article. We are here to assist you and your business. Therefore if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will gladly assist.